Summer Quiet Time 2022

Twice a year, our team slows down and turns off external meetings so we can create space for what we need as we continue this work. Check out how Kelli and Michelle used their quiet time this summer:


I was really happy that we set up our process timeline for the supporting frontline worker grant reports to be due during quiet time, so work was still coming in, but we allowed ourselves to rest during that "passive" period. Because we had prepared, I felt like I could take some time to recharge. I spent a week at a retreat in the Sequoia's totally off grid-no internet or phone access, and it was tough but refreshing! I walked in nature each day and sat on a rock in a river for like two hours one day.


I attended a silent meditation retreat and finished a book on systems thinking. I also used the time to establish a routine of walking to the park around the corner to read on my yoga mat under a tree. The book inspired me to think more deeply about how we invest in systems change through the Accelerator, and I made friends with the sun, a tree, and some critters along the way!


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