Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust

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Kasey Ventura (he and they), Director of Land & Tenant Justice

“Our initiative will give communities of color in Koreatown and surrounding neighborhoods control over housing, development, and neighborhood changes through policies that promote community self determination”

"As a renter, ownership seems like an impossibility. During the pandemic, my landlord threatened my unit with eviction, a moment that reminded me how I am at the mercy of the current housing system. Working as the first organizer at BVCLT has given me a vision to fight for all of LA. Where community collectively owns land and homes to create long term affordability and trust to care for the land."

Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust shifts the LA landscape from privatizations and unaffordability to community-owned and pathways to socio-economic stability for vulnerable families.


Hollywood Climate Summit


The Collective for Liberatory Lawyering